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What is Maslow's Hierarchy of Need explain?

Maslow’s Hierarchy Needs.

maslowMaslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is an idea in psychology. This idea was propagated  by the American psychologist Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) in 1943. He is a leader in development of humanistic psychology. Maslow’s need hierarchy theory is considered fundamental to understanding of motivation.

His theory was based on human needs. In this theory he describe as human motives. He assume a hierarchy of motives growing from birth to death. It is discuss individuals biological needs become only after the more needs have been satisfied. The needs focuses on partially satisfied before those at the next level become important determined of action. An individual is affects by the motivation as a whole. Maslow’s believed that people are motivated to person goals. This goals are rewarding and meaningful in their life.

Abraham Maslow suggested that five basic classes of needs or motives influence human behavior. According to Maslow the five levels of motives from bottom to the top of the hierarchy are:

maslows hierarchy of needs

  1. Physiological needs.
  2. Safety and security needs.
  3. Need for love and belongingness.
  4. Self esteem needs.
  5. Self actualization.

1. Physiological needs.

Physiological needs means it is related to our physical body. These are most powerful and urgent of all human. Physiological needs like food, water, oxygen, clothes, activity, sex etc.

2. Safety and security needs.

When physiological needs are fulfill then second needs is safety and security needs. It is includes the security of body, employment, resources, morality, family, health and property. Safety needs to childhood. Income is the best way of safety in life. Now current world money is best safety measure.

3. Need for love and belongingness.

It is personal belonging. where are you from belong in the development countries or developing countries. You can make relationship with surrounding areas people. People always looking cordial work environment is accept and appreciate. It having relation with the cordial colleague.

4. Self esteem needs.

Self esteem needs is personality or respect. Maslow that respect divides into two categories, one is self respect and another is respect from others.

Self respect include a person desire, confidence, income, independence, achievement and goals etc. Respect from others include appreciation, acceptance etc.

5. Self actualization needs.

According to Maslow, self actualization is the highest human motives. It is comes under the self fulfilment. In the last time individual has achievement of goals and everything is satisfied.


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