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Ascribed and Achieved Status in Sociology.

Caste system. 

The word “caste” is derived from the Spanish word “Casta” which means bread, race or a complex of hereditary qualities. The term caste is famous in India known by the name of “Jati”. The english word caste is an adjustment of the original term. 


When a class is some what strictly hereditary we may call it as caste. 

Caste status is wholly predetermine so that men are born to their lot without any hope of changing it, then class takes the extreme form of caste. 

Ascribed status.

Ascribed status refers to the social status of an individual which is assigned by birth. It is an involuntary status which may be change or not change. 

The ascribed status is based on the social culture, norms, values and the standards. 

The caste system are divides on the basis of ascribed status. Some people are lower caste and some are upper caste. But now it completely change into modern caste system. In modern caste system, there is no difference between rich and poor people. For example the poor people may become a rich man, farmer may become minister etc. 

Achieved status. 

The status is achieve by the individual. Some people are work hard to achieve their goals. To achieve the social position can acquire the merit and good behavior. 

Achieved status is depends on your personality, education, behavior and intelligence. A educated person can fulfill his self goals or desire, needs. 

It is not easy to receive a good status. It is possible by hard work and intelligency. 

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