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Problems of Rural Community in Sociology.

Rural community. 

The rural or village is derived from the Latin word “Villaticus” means belonging a farmhouse. 

The starting point of life is village with the sense of “we feeling and cooperation”. 

Rural community is refers to geographical boundaries where people are living together. It is village society. The rural people are mainly depends on the agriculture. And the village people are less compare to the urban community. 


“The rural community comprises of the constellation of institutions and persons grouped about a small center and sharing common primary interest”. 

Problems of rural community. 

There are so many problems of rural community as following – 

Problems of rural community

  • 1. Illiteracy.

The village illiteracy rate is very high. They are not That much interests in education. They are interested in agricultural fields. 

The number of schools and colleges are less that’s why village people are not educated. So, it is a big problem of rural area. 

  • 2. Unemployment. 

Most of the rural people are jobless. Job opportunity less because most of the people are not educated and the village don’t have any industries. Now they are migrating to the cities for the getting jobs. 

  • 3. Housing problem. 

The village people can not makes the hygienic housing. It is a big budget project. Even the some people are homeless. 

It is a big problem of rural area. Lack of education they have more health related issues. They do not know how to spread of infection, spread of communicable diseases and discipline also. 

  • 5. Pure water.  

Village people are taking un-purification water. Because they don’t know how to purify or filter the water. 

The rural community transportation and communication services are un-development. The rural area roads are muds or called as kachcha roads.  

  • 7. Electricity. 

There is no sufficient electricity in the rural area. It a essential components of developing the rural community. 

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