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The demographic characteristics of Indian population.

Demographic characteristics of Indian population. 


The demography refers to the scientific systematic study of population. 

The word demography derived from the two ancient Greek word, “demos” meaning the people and “logy” meaning writing about or recording something. So the word demography means writing about the people. 

The demography is the study of people about changes in population size, pattern of birth, death and migration. It is based on the census. The demographic data is important for the development of welfare and planning implementation. 

Demographic characteristics of Indian population. 

The Indian population is continuously growing. The population density is describe as the per square kilometer the average member of persons living. The density of population was 305 per square kilometer in the year 1901 and 325 per square kilometer in the year 2001. And which is increases to 382 persons per square kilometer in the year 2011. 

Dependency ratio. 

The dependency ratio is means the age group of working people. Normally in India dependent on the working age group of 15-59. So this groups are economically active. 

The children age 0-14 years and above 60 years, they are not economically inactive. 

Formula of dependency ratio. 

Dependency ratio (D.R.) = (Number of persons in age group 0-14 years + number of persons in age group of 60 years or more) × 1000 ÷ (Number of persons in age group 15-59 years). 

Demographic characteristics of Indian population

Dependency ratio can be divided into two parts- 

  • Young dependency ratio. 
  • Old dependency ratio. 

Dependency ratio in India. 

Year     1991     2001      2011

D.R.      794       752       652

Young dependency ratio in India.

Year      1991     2001      2011

D.R.       672      621          510

Old dependency ratio in India.

Year     1991     2001      2011

D.R.       122       131         142

Literacy rate. 

It is important characteristic of the population because the literacy rate of the country determines the economic structure. The census states the literacy rate of the population of India is almost 74.04 in the year 2016. 

Occupational structure. 

The number of people are having job. And it is helps the economic status. It is an essential element of the population in India. 

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