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Psychoanalytic Therapy for Depression.

Psychoanalytic Therapy.

The psychoanalytic was first developed by the Sigmund Freud at the end of 19th century. Psychoanalytical therapy indicator is presence of long-standing mental conflicts, which may be unconscious but produce symptoms. Psychoanalytic is focus on the cause of the problem. And the therapists try to find the problem, where it began. The aim of psychoanalytic therapy is to bring all repressed material to conscious awareness so that the patient can work towards the healthy resolution of his problems. 

Therapy Process. 

The therapy process to be position at the head of the patient and slightly behind, so patient cannot see the therapist. By this process decreases any kind of non-verbal communication between the two people. The patient is typically ready for the therapy. The therapist is tries to recall the experienced, emotions, memories from childhood. Some techniques are used for the psychoanalytic therapy.

also read: Online Psychoanalysis Therapy! (Process and Techniques).

Psychoanalytic Therapy for Depression.

The aim of psychoanalytic (Psychoanalysis) therapy is to get a deeper insight into your unconscious conflicts and self-awareness about your feelings and motives. Psychoanalytic therapy helps in developing the internal psychological resources and increase ability for dealing with psychological difficulties that have caused emotional anguish.

Psychoanalytic Therapy for Depression.

This therapy purpose is to assist the patient in healing after discussing repressed memories, unconscious desires, and relationship concerns.

Psychoanalytic Therapy Techniques.

Exploration of the unconscious. 

The psychoanalytic therapy aims to explore the unconsciously conflicts and unresolved issues that may contribute to depression. And this therapy helps the individual to bring these unconscious thoughts and emotions into awareness. 

Childhood experiences. 

The psychoanalytic therapy often emphasizes the significance of early childhood experiences in shaping a person’s emotional well being. The therapist is try to recall the childhood experiences and activities. 

Free association. 

In free association, the patient is allowed to say whatever comes to his mind, in response to a word that is given by the therapist. The therapist pays must attention to the client’s spontaneous association, looking for deeper messages and slips. 

Dream analysis. 

According to the Freud, behavior is rooted in the unconscious and that dreams are manifestation of the troubles people repress, the better way to get an idea of the problem is to monitor and interpret dreams. Analysis the patient dreams for better understanding the problem and treatment. 


The hypnosis is refers to the artificially entering the consciousness and the state is help the patient to change behavior and thinking. And the hypnotherapy, relaxation is guided by the therapist.


Psychoanalytic therapy places importance on the relationship between the therapist and patient. Transference occurs when the individual transfers unresolved feelings and patterns from past relationships onto the therapist. 

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