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Characteristics of secondary groups.

Characteristics of secondary groups. 

Secondary groups. 

Secondary groups are industrial society. It is also modern groups. These are unavoidable in modern society. 


According to Schoefer, “the term secondary group refers to a formal impersonal social group where is little society intimacy or mutual understanding”. 

Characteristics of secondary groups. 

Characteristics of secondary groups as follows-

Characteristics of secondary groups 

#1. Impersonal and indirect relationship. 

These group of people are do not like direct connection. These are characterized by indirect or impersonal relations. Because they are more self concerned them other members. They are believe their own personality. 

#2. Large in size. 

These are large group of people and they are living together in a community. There is no limitation of people. For examples state, political party, labour union. 

#3. Membership is voluntary. 

Secondary group membership is voluntary because these groups are consist of a lot of people. In this group people can join freely. For example political party. 

#4. Fulfill specific ends. 

Secondary groups are established for the fulfillment of specific ends. For examples religious interest church, economic interest bank. 

#5. Contractual relations. 

Contractual relations are not permanent relations. It is also temporarily relationship. These are some specific time relationship. For example contractual teacher. 

#6. Formal means of social control. 

Secondary groups are control the social and behavior by the formal such as law, police, court, constitutions etc. They follow the rules and laws. 

#7. Organized group.

Secondary groups are organized group because they are organized the institution, bank and others. 

#8. Indirect communication. 

Secondary groups are indirect communication. Indirect communications are telephone, news papers etc. 

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