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Community Development Project in India.


Community is refers to a group of people who are living together in a specific boundary. Every community has some problems. The problems are includes religious problem, caste problem, and others.  

Community development project in India.

The community development project was launched by government of India. The project was launched for high standard of life and community development of rural people. 

The planning commission, government of India has defined community development as “an attempt to bring about a social and economic transformation of village life through the efforts of the people themselves”. 

The social education, economic and religious development etc are increases by this project in rural community. 

Community development defines as “The members work together to achieve high quality of goals and come together to take action and generation of solutions of the common social problems. 

The aims of community development project. 

  • To develops the rural community including social cultural and economic aspects of life. 
  • Fullest development of available material and human resources. 
  • To develop self awareness and responsibility. 
  • Development of initiative among the villagers. 
  • To develop the agriculture. 
  • Development of social life by providing better communication. 
  • To develop education of rural people. 
  • Woman and child welfare. 

The pattern of program. 

Community development program was launched in 55 selected projects on October 2nd, 1952. The project covers the 30 village with a population of 3 lakhs. 

Important program of community development and integrated rural development programs. 

community development project

  • 1. Agriculture. 

Development of agriculture and social improvement. Distribution of seeds, chemicals, manure and agricultural equipment. The proper facility of the water to the crops. 

  • 2. Transportation and communication. 

Development of the transportation and communication is very important. The rural community transportation services are very bad. The construction of new roads and repair of old one. To maintain proper communication establish the post office. 

  1.  3. Health and sanitation. 

Development of health and sanitation is necessary in the village people. The rural people health services are weak. The establish of the family welfare program and health sub center. Immunization programs are very important to prevent the communicable diseases in rural people. 

  • 4. Education.

The education is very important in anywhere. The literacy rate is low in the village people. Development of education in the rural people. The establishment of schools, colleges and library etc. 

  • 5. Social welfare.  

It is very necessary to establish the social welfare is village community. And the establish of the sports organization, gym center and arranging cultural programs. 

  • 6. Housing. 

The housing is very big problem in the villages in India. Due to the economic problem the rural people can not make proper hygienic houses. To development of houses advanced provide coins for making houses. 

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