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Explain Various Legislations on Indian Marriage and Family.

Explain Various Legislations on Indian Marriage and Family.


Marriage is one of the universal relationship. It is established two opposite sex persons. A marriage is a cultural process. A marriage is very purposeful in the society. 

Definition of marriage. 

Marriage as “The more or less durable connection between male and female lasting beyond the mere act of propagation till after the birth offspring. 

Marriage is a relatively permanent bond between permissible mates. 


The families are the primary group. Family is the social institution and it is the basis of society. Family is the center point of the social or community. And the family fulfills the basic needs of the society. Family is teaches us the habits or behavior. 

The term derived from the Roman word “Families” or the Latin word “Familia” meaning a household comprising or servants or workers and of slaves along with others individuals having marriage or blood relatives. 

The word like “Kutumba” and “Parivaar” have more or less the same meaning. 

Definition of family. 

Family is a biological, social unit, composed of husband, wife and children. 

The family is durable association of husband and wife with or without children or of a man or woman alone with children. 

It is defines as a group of people who are live in a society. The family includes husband, wife and their children. 

Legislations on Indian marriage and family. 

  • The legislation is refers to the law. Law is the body of roles and regulations. 
  • The community or society has some roles and regulations. 
  • Every community has their own religion, culture, values, norms etc on the basis of law. 
  • The social legislation deals with the social problems. 
  • The social legislation is ban the child marriage. According to the Indian marriage law male age is 21-24 years and female 18-21 years. 
  • Now India is ban the over children and it is reduce to only two children could taken. 
  • According to Indian law after one year of marriage they can give divorce. 

Social Legislations.

Legislations on Indian marriage and family

Social legislations before the independence of India. 

  • The Hindu Window Remarriage Act of 1856. 

In the tradition of Hindu society they banned the process window remarriage. The Hindu community they have a legislation that is a Hindu woman can get marriage in time. She is together her husband till death. The Hindu people slogan is Iswarachandra Vidya Sagar, Raja Ram Mohan. The window remarriage act was passed in the year 1856. 

  • The Social Marriage Act of 1872. 

The British government enacted the special marriage act in 1872. This act also permitting a man to contract legal marriage with a woman. 

  • The Child Marriage Restraint Act of 1929. 

This act was passed by the British government in the year 1929. According to this act the boys and girls marriage age was 18 and 15 years respectively. 

  • The Hindu Women’s Right to Property Act of 1937. 

One of the most common characteristics of Hindu joint family, they were not given any property to the woman children. Their property owner was only male members. 

Social legislation after the independence of India. 

  • The Special Marriage Act of 1954. 

The special marriage act was pass by the government of India in the year 1954. This act was taken some provisions. The provisions were following- 

  1. The minimum age of marriage for boys 21 years and girls for 18 years respectively. 
  2. Divorce received the legal validity through this act. This act recognized the right of a wife and husband to divorce. 
  3. Through this act inter caste marriages received legal validity. 
  • The Hindu Marriage Act of 1955. 

In this act primarily has laid down certain conditions of the Hindu marriage. Secondly, this act recognized the equal right to woman and man to divorce. 

The Hindu succession act of 1956. This act was passed by the Indian government in the year 1956. This act specially focuses on the women rights. According to the family law woman had no right in the property. After this act woman right is equal to man in the property. 

  • The Dowry Prohibition Act of 1961. 

Dowry was the bad process of the old marriage. The girls family was give some property or things (like cash, gold, land) to the boys family and then marriage was performed. In India except the state of Jammu and Kashmir. 

The dowry prohibition act was passed by the government of India in the year 1961. After passed this act the dowry system was totally banned. 

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