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The Factors Disintegration of Joint Family System.

The factors disintegration of joint family.


The joint family is a group of people where three generations living together. Husband, wife, married and unmarried children. The joint family is institution in many traditional societies. 

Definition of joint family. 

Joint family is a group of people who generally live under one roof, who eat food cooked at one hearth, who hold property in common and who participate in common family worship and are related to each other some particular type of kindest. 

Characteristics of joint family. 

There are so many characteristics of joint family as follows – 


  • Depth generation. 

A joint family consists of three generations such as grand parents, parents and children. Depth generation refers to the own parents and their parents generation. It means grand parents generation. Uncles, aunts, cousins and grandsons also living together in a joint family. So, it is basic characteristics of family. 

  • Common roof. 

Due to the employment and house problem the joint family are living together under the same roof. So, they stay in one house.

  • Common kitchen. 

Joint family prepare their food in a common kitchen because they belongs to the common or joint family. 

  • Common worship.  

Common worship refers to the religious tradition. Joint family members has a common worship and ceremony. So, it is very important. 

  • Common property. 

The joint family totally depends on the head of the family. Joint family has a common property. Total income of the family members submit their earnings to the head of the family. And he is caring and rearing of children. So, family is rolled by the head of the family.

  • Arranged marriage. 

Joint Families are have a process of arranged marriage system. The head of family decide of its members to marriage. So, now this system is changed. 

  • Procreation. 

Joint Families are like a institution. Normally joint family is bigger. Procreation rate is high in the joint family. Now it is changed. 

  • Self sufficiency. 

Joint family is self sufficient because it’s members are earn money. The joint family is not depend on other family. In rural families were self reliant. So now this system is changed. 

  • Exercise of authority. 

Some particular joint family maintain its members health. The family head advises to exercise properly and take rest. 

Factors disintegration of joint family. 

Disintegration factors are following-

Factors disintegration of joint family. 

  • Industrialization. 

The joint family had a system of agriculture production. Now a days the members of industries is increases. Most of the family breaking off their joint family and towards the industries. The industry can give employment. So, now people are moving towards the the cities and towns for jobs. 

Transportation is refers to the fulfills the people needs. The transportation and communication is giving easier life to the people. The industries are making useful things which is needs for every day life. The industries are plays an important role in unemployment. So, is a cause of family disintegration.

  • Impact of west. 

Western technologies and services are very high. The joint family moving towards the western family life culture, tradition etc. 

  • Enlightenment of women. 

Now Indian female literacy rate is increases. The Indian women are educated and they are impressed in western family life. Woman is starting uses of education and gets job opportunities. 

  • Social legislation. 

The act such as “Hindu marriage act of 1955”. The women can divorce under certain conditions. 

  • Over Population. 

Due to the joint family population is high and lack of agriculture land. 

  • Lack of accommodation. 

Due to the joint family causes lack of accommodation. Specially in cities. 

  • Family quarrels. 

Joint family can lead quarrels because is has large member of people living together. 

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